On Tuesday, September 20, 2022, the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Universitas Islam Indonesia (FMIPA UII) held the Graduation Release Period I for the Academic Year 2022/2023 for prospective graduates offline at the FMIPA UII Auditorium. The graduation ceremony is a routine activity held by the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences UII for prospective graduates before graduation as a form of appreciation and at the same time congratulating prospective graduates who have finished studying at FMIPA UII.

The graduation ceremony was attended by the leadership of the Dean of FMIPA UII, the Head of Study Programs from each study program at FMIPA UII, representatives of parents/guardians of students, representatives of the DPKA, representatives of the academic division, as well as 145 students from all study programs, diplomas, undergraduate, or master’s degree at the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences UII. The event was held at the Auditorium of the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences UII starting at 08.00 WIB until 11.30 WIB.

In this period, FMIPA UII graduated 278 students. Out of a total of 278 prospective graduates, 173 prospective graduates/women are graduates with cum laude predicate and 6 (six) of the prospective graduates/women receive the title with the highest GPA. As an appreciation for prospective graduates with the highest GPA, each Head of Study Program conveyed his congratulations to the prospective graduates/women. Another form of appreciation is in the form of a certificate of the highest GPA award given by the Dean of FMIPA UII to each prospective graduate.

After the awarding of the highest GPA award certificate, it was followed by the delivery of remarks from representatives of the selected prospective graduates, Annisa Fajar Lestari, namely prospective graduates from the D3 Chemical Analysis Study Program. Then continued with the delivery of remarks and handover of graduates/women to parents/guardians by the Dean of the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences UII, Prof. RIyanto, S.Pd., M.Sc., Ph.D. followed by the delivery of remarks by the parents/guardians, Dr. Drs. Imam Djati Widodo, M.Eng.Sc, parent/guardian of one of the prospective graduates of FMIPA UII.

The event was then continued with an explanation about academics by the Head of the Academic Division, Achmad Rossy Cendana, A.Md and the provision of self-development motivation seminar materials by representatives of the UII DPKA, Lifthya Ahadiati Akmala, S.Psi., M.Psi., Psychologists for prospective graduates. . The provision of material and motivation raised the theme of psychological test points in preparation for the world of work. The existence of this motivational seminar is expected to be a means of self-briefing for prospective graduates to enter the world of work in the future.

The graduation ceremony this time was closed by conveying the impressions and messages of prospective graduates in the form of rhymes by the Head of IT FMIPA UII, Lungit Marsudi Wening, S. Kom which was warmly welcomed by the graduation release participants. After the event was closed, the event ended with a photo of each prospective graduate/woman in the photobooth provided at the Lobby of FMIPA UII.


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