Analisis kimia adalah cabang ilmu yang mempelajari komposisi, struktur, sifat, dan reaksi zat-zat kimia. Metode dan teknik analisis kimia digunakan dalam berbagai bidang, baik dalam penelitian maupun aplikasi praktis. Peran penting analisis kimia dapat ditemukan dalam banyak bidang, dan di bawah ini akan dijelaskan beberapa contoh.

Industri Farmasi: Dalam industri farmasi, analisis kimia sangat penting untuk memastikan kualitas, keamanan, dan efektivitas obat-obatan. Analisis kimia digunakan untuk mengidentifikasi dan mengukur kandungan bahan aktif dalam obat, serta untuk mendeteksi dan mengeliminasi kontaminan yang tidak diinginkan. Melalui analisis kimia, produsen obat dapat memastikan bahwa obat-obatan yang diproduksi memenuhi standar dan persyaratan yang ditetapkan.

Industri Pangan: Dalam industri pangan, analisis kimia digunakan untuk memeriksa kualitas dan keamanan produk pangan. Metode analisis kimia digunakan untuk menguji kandungan gizi, mengidentifikasi aditif pangan, dan mendeteksi kontaminan seperti residu pestisida atau logam berat. Analisis kimia juga membantu dalam mengendalikan proses produksi pangan, seperti pengukuran pH, keasaman, dan kadar air.

Lingkungan: Analisis kimia berperan penting dalam memantau dan memahami kualitas lingkungan. Contohnya, analisis kimia air digunakan untuk menguji kualitas air sungai, danau, atau sumur untuk memastikan keamanannya bagi kehidupan manusia dan ekosistem. Analisis kimia juga digunakan dalam pemantauan emisi gas buang dari pabrik atau kendaraan, yang membantu dalam mengendalikan polusi udara.

Forensik: Dalam bidang forensik, analisis kimia digunakan untuk mengidentifikasi zat-zat kimia dalam jejak atau bukti kriminal. Analisis kimia juga digunakan dalam pengujian narkoba dan pengujian DNA. Metode analisis kimia yang canggih seperti spektroskopi massa dan kromatografi gas membantu ahli forensik dalam mengungkap kebenaran di balik kejahatan dan memberikan bukti yang kuat di pengadilan.

Industri Kimia: Tentu saja, dalam industri kimia sendiri, analisis kimia menjadi bagian integral dari proses produksi. Analisis kimia digunakan untuk mengontrol kualitas bahan baku, memantau reaksi kimia, dan menguji kualitas produk akhir. Analisis kimia juga membantu dalam pengembangan dan penemuan bahan kimia baru yang lebih efisien dan ramah lingkungan.

Kedokteran dan Kesehatan: Analisis kimia digunakan dalam diagnosa penyakit, pemantauan terapi obat, dan penelitian ilmiah di bidang kedokteran dan kesehatan. Contohnya, analisis darah untuk mengukur kadar gula darah, kolesterol, atau kadar obat dalam tubuh. Analisis kimia juga digunakan dalam penelitian untuk memahami mekanisme penyakit dan mengembangkan obat-obatan baru.

Melalui contoh-contoh di atas, dapat dilihat bahwa analisis kimia memainkan peran yang sangat penting dalam berbagai bidang. Tanpa analisis kimia yang tepat, sulit untuk memastikan kualitas, keamanan, dan efektivitas produk dan layanan yang kita gunakan sehari-hari. Bagi Anda yang tertarik dengan ilmu ini, program studi Analisis Kimia program diploma UII adalah pilihan tepat untuk mengembangkan pengetahuan dan keterampilan dalam bidang analisis kimia.

Program studi Analisis Kimia UII juga menekankan pentingnya keterampilan praktis dan profesional bagi para mahasiswa. Selama masa studi, mereka akan diberikan kesempatan untuk mengikuti magang di industri kimia atau laboratorium penelitian. Ini akan memberikan pengalaman langsung dalam mengaplikasikan pengetahuan yang telah dipelajari di dalam kelas ke dalam lingkungan kerja nyata.

Lulusan program studi Analisis Kimia UII akan memiliki peluang karir yang luas. Mereka dapat bekerja di berbagai industri seperti farmasi, makanan dan minuman, kosmetik, energi, dan banyak lagi. Sebagai analis kimia juga bertanggung jawab dalam melakukan analisis dan pengujian kualitas bahan-bahan kimia, produk, dan sampel, serta memberikan rekomendasi untuk perbaikan kualitas dan pengembangan produk.

Apakah Anda berminat? Bergabunglah dengan program ini dan raih kesempatan untuk mempelajari lebih lanjut tentang dunia yang menarik dan penting dari analisis kimia.

Salam kompeten

Kuntari, S.Si., M.Sc.


Prastiwi, M. (2021). Menariknya Prospek Kerja Prodi Kimia dari Analisis Hingga Chemist. Diakses pada 13 Juni 2023, dari

Thomas, L. (2019). Analytical Chemistry Techniques. Diakses pada 13 Juni 2023, dari

Unansea. (nd). Analisis Kimia Laboratorium: Tanggung Jawab Dan Deskripsi Pekerjaan. Diakses pada 13 Juni 2023, dari


Social media is an interesting topic to discuss. All circles have now enjoyed the social media platforms presented by the creators. Toddlers, even babies, have been made social media by their parents. Whether aiming for existence, gaining rupiah, or just for fun.

Based on data, internet users in Indonesia reach 63 million users and 95% of them use social media. The same source stated that the top three reasons people in the world use the internet are to get information, keep in touch with friends/family and keep up to date with the latest news and events.

In a day, the average Indonesian is able to spend 6 hours 54 minutes using the internet. In this fast-paced era, it is not surprising that a quarter of the day is spent surfing, both for entertainment and for work. Advances in technology require us to always improve our capabilities in this regard.

Lately, social media users are often associated with the FOMO phenomenon, namely the Fear of Missing Out. Launching from, FOMO is the feeling or perception that other people are having fun, having a better and happier life when we are not in it. We become like to compare ourselves and envy the happiness of others so that it affects our self-esteem. FOMO can occur if we are not wise in using social media. Anything in excess will certainly have a negative impact. We need to pay attention to the dose in social media, there are certain limitations that need to be observed; such as duration, age-appropriate content, correctness of information, etc. Scrolling through Instagram may be fun, but parents, spouses and children also need us to accompany them. May Allah give long life and blessings to them and us. Amen

In addition to the negative impacts, there are also benefits obtained from the ease of internet access. Among them are increasing knowledge/insight, providing convenience in establishing relationships even though long distances, getting entertainment, etc. However, we are often faced with a greed for information. So much information that we get in cyberspace. Whether it’s positive or negative, right or wrong. Our souls are always thirsty for information that is being hit, so that sometimes we forget the truth of the information. The need to sort out the information and content we consume will affect our mindset.

Let us analogize it as food. We have the power to choose what foods we eat. Do you choose fruit or choose fried foods that are so alluring. The choice is in our power. But when it enters the body, we do not have the power to choose what can be processed and what should not be processed. The body has auto-processed whatever we eat. A good choice will produce good output, and vice versa. The analogy also applies to social media. We can choose what we will ‘consume’ (for example: whether we choose to enjoy gossip accounts or read self-improvement books). It’s up to you

Regarding the amount of information on social media. The author quotes Surah Al-Hujurat verse 6:


QS Al-Hujurat 6: O you who believe, if someone who is wicked comes to you with news, then examine the truth, so that you do not harm a people because of ignorance (recklessness), which in the end you will regret your actions.

Allah commands us to examine the truth of an information, so that we do not do carelessness to harm and even oppress others. We need to remember together, every action we do will be held accountable before God. May Allah protect us from useless deeds. Amen

Aprisilia Risky Wijaya, S.TP.

Source :

Education Laboratory is an academic support facility at an educational institution, which uses equipment and materials based on certain scientific methods in the context of implementing Education. While Calibration is the process of direct proof to the international system of units of measure that the scale of measurement or the requirements of the unit of measure have been met. In testing laboratories accredited to ISO 17025, the tool calibration process is a mandatory requirement that must be met. In ISO 17025:2017, calibration is one part of the Resource Requirements, especially the equipment section. Measuring equipment must be calibrated because it can affect measurement accuracy or measurement uncertainty so that it has an impact on the validity of the reported results. Equipment calibration is also required for metrological traceability of reported results so that they are accepted worldwide.

Then, is instrument calibration necessary for educational laboratories? If it is seen from the activities carried out by the educational laboratory, namely practicum, which does not have the aim of producing test results that must be reported in a valid and traceable manner, then instrument calibration is not required, or rather there is no urgency to calibrate tools in educational laboratories. However, the actual calibration data for equipment in the educational laboratory is needed in the practicum learning process, especially chemistry practicum. Unconsciously, it has become a habit if the results of the practicum do not match the theory, the practitioner will report the discrepancy due to the practitioner’s error without first tracing the root of the problem. With the equipment calibration data, the practitioner can make observations by collecting and evaluating calibration history data to determine the root cause of problems that may occur due to sub-optimal tool performance. According to the letter Asy-Syu’ara verses 181-184 which means “Perfect the dose and do not harm others; and weigh with the correct scales. And do not harm people by reducing their rights and do not cause mischief on the earth; and fear Allah who created you and the ancient peoples” indicating that the inaccuracy of measurements can be caused by improper tools or scales, so that if there are inappropriate practicum results, the practitioner needs to check the suitability of the tools used.

For example, in a practicum that uses a UV-Vis spectrophotometer, discrepancies in wavelength and absorbance are often reported by the practitioner as an error by the practitioner in making the solution. In fact, this discrepancy may occur due to the less than optimal performance of the UV-Vis spectrophotometer. Based on SR-03 regarding the quality assurance of equipment used in chemical and biological testing laboratories, there are 2 calibration parameters for UV-Vis spectrophotometers, wavelength and photometric. Wavelength calibration is done to see the accuracy and reproducibility of the wavelength using a holmium or didinium filter. The deviation or deviation that is allowed is a maximum of 1 nm, if the UV-Vis spectrophotometer gives a result exceeding 1 nm, then the measurement results need to consider the correction value of the tool. Photometric calibration was carried out to see the accuracy and reproducibility of absorbance in the UV region (with potassium dichromate solution, K2Cr2O7), and the visible region (with copper sulfate solution, CuSO4.5H2O). In this process, the suitability of the instrument response in the form of absorbance values ​​for certain wavelengths is seen. The maximum allowable deviation is 1% of the maximum absorbance at the reference, for example in the 235 nm region, the absorbance at the reference is 0.748, then the tolerance for the absorbance of the device is in the range of 0.740 to 0.756 (±1%).

ri Esti Purbaningtias, M.Si.


BSN, 2017, SNI ISO/IEC 17025 Persyaratan Umum Kompetensi Laboratorium Pengujian dan Laboratorium Kalibrasi, Jakarta: Badan Standardisasi Nasional.

KAN, 2004, SR-03 Persyaratan Tambahan untuk Akreditasi Laboratorium Pengujian Kimia dan Biologi, Jakarta: Komite Akreditasi Nasional.

The aim of management is to provide guidance for laboratory personnel to be able to carry out assigned tasks within limited time and resources. This includes the management of consumables, equipment, design of work procedures or SOPs, supervision of daily activities, training of existing and new personnel and if possible also related to obtaining grants or assistance from external parties.

The management of the service laboratory is intended to provide adequate service to customers, so that customers can feel satisfied with the services provided in the laboratory. Forms of service that can satisfy customers include speed of test results, clarity of interpretation of analytical data, ease of access to information and financing that is comparable to service. Management involves the integration and coordination of various resources contained within the organizational structure. It aims to see the effectiveness of the performance of laboratory staff to carry out their duties in accordance with their respective authorities and responsibilities.

The laboratory must be managed properly to prevent the occurrence of various possible accidents due to work. Various potential hazards that exist in chemical laboratories include the danger of explosive or flammable chemicals. Microbiology laboratories have the potential to cause people to be exposed to various microorganisms such as bacteria or viruses. Laboratories that use a lot of electronic equipment have the potential for an electric short circuit that can result in a fire.

The laboratory is a place to conduct research or research. Research produced in the laboratory can be developed into a mass product that has various values ​​such as economic value, aesthetics, and ergonomics. Universities that have the responsibility of tri dharma where the second dharma is research, then universities must always carry out research. Research carried out in universities is carried out by lecturers and students independently or is a collaboration between the two. The results of the research can then be made in the form of a written manuscript using scientific principles and published in journals, both national journals and reputable international journals.

For students to hone their skills, a laboratory is needed to carry out practical activities. The practicum material presented to students is in the form of modules that have been tested, so the success rate of analytical testing during practicum must be very high. Students who often practice in the laboratory will improve their technical competence, so that students can be more adaptive when doing the same practice during the Field Work Practice. On the other hand, more student skills or skills can increase high self-confidence when graduating from college and applying for jobs.

Laboratory development can be used to raise public awareness related to scientific knowledge. The laboratory is designed in such a way that it can become part of educational tourism or edu tourism that has the potential to arouse the interest of the younger generation to study science. The concept can be done by making the laboratory space transparent so that anyone can see or witness the activities and equipment or instrumentation in the laboratory.

Laboratory managers can take advantage of the facilities they have to generate income. This kind of laboratory is directed to gain recognition through accreditation obtained from the accreditation body in a country. Especially in Indonesia, the institution that has the authority to carry out accreditation is the National Accreditation Committee (KAN). The most basic thing about a service laboratory is the existence of quality control and assurance in every testing process it performs. The reference used by laboratories in carrying out quality control and assurance activities is ISO 17025 which contains various general requirements for testing laboratories and calibration laboratories consisting of 5 requirements, namely general, structural, resource, process and management system.

Laboratory management is also related to the management of human resources in it. The core personnel in the laboratory consist of at least three, namely the leader, the implementation of activities and the administration section. The laboratory leadership element can be one or more depending on the capacity of the activities it performs. If a laboratory has a lot of activities, then the laboratory leadership element can be more than one person, but if the form of activity is not too many then the laboratory leadership can be one person. Likewise with the executor of activities or the administration. Mention of personnel who have the task of carrying out various kinds of laboratory activities, such as analysts, technicians, laboratory assistants and laboratory testing personnel.

The results of tests carried out by laboratories have a huge impact on various sectors or fields. An example of an environmental sector that needs to involve testing in a laboratory is related to various environmental pollutants such as soil, water and air. There are also many cases of environmental pollution confirmed through laboratory testing in Indonesia, such as mercury pollution in Buyat Bay (Lutfiah, K, 2011), batik waste disposal into rivers (Paramnesi and Riza, 2020) or chromium metal pollution which is included in the heavy metal category or B3 (Rahardjo and Prasetyaningsih, 2021) and many others.

Thorikul Huda, S.Si., M.Sc.


Paramnesi, P. A., & Reza, A. I. (2020). Dampak Pencemaran Limbah Batik Berdasarkan Nilai Kompensasi Ekonomi di Hulu dan Hilir Sungai Asem Binatur. Kajen: Jurnal Penelitian dan Pengembangan Pembangunan, 4(01), 58-72.

Lutfillah, K. (2011). Kasus Newmont (Pencemaran Di Teluk Buyat). KYBERNAN: Jurnal Ilmiah Ilmu Pemerintahan, 2(1), 17-29.

Rahardjo, D., & Prasetyaningsih, A. (2021, December). Pengaruh Aktivitas Pembuangan Limbah Cair Industri Kulit Terhadap Profil Pencemar Kromium di Lingkungan serta Moluska, Ikan dan Padi Di Sepanjang Aliran Sungai Opak Bagian Hilir. In Prosiding Seminar Nasional Unimus (Vol. 4).